Customers often call to find out what is the best suited welders for aluminium welding of components together? Are AC DC Tig welders for sale in Australia as good as those from overseas?The answer is yes and you may want to consider an Inverter AC DC tig welding machine for the job. During the GTAW process the polarity of the arc changes and is either removing aluminium oxide from the surface or adding heat to the weld pool. The AC tig welding process is best for aluminium welders and is only slightly pipped by hybrid wave processes that include a DC component.

ACDC Tig welders are best suited for welding aluminium
Hybrid wave welding equipment injects a small DC interlude between the AC welding cycle. When welding aluminium the AC arc is balanced between cleaning and penetrating with the percentages varying based on the operator’s choice. The DC component is 100% penetrating so the overall effect to the aluminium tig welding process is an additional heat input resulting in deeper penetration. The use of inverter welders makes this complicated process much simpler.
Suitability and tig welder choice are always best discussed with our expert staff. The choice you make will everlast and it must be correct. When it comes to AC DC Tig Welders available for sale from us, the team at Tokentools welding equipment supplies is always willing to assist our customers on making the right choice. Call us on 1300 881 991 today.
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